Contact Info

Marisa Hetzler 🦷


Email: [email protected]

🖊 Workshop Description

Learn more about the process of typesetting multilingual projects in InDesign by threading text through a short picture book. In this workshop, you will have the chance to work with Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Czech, English, Kannada, and Spanish text. We will cover finding visual references for multilingual projects, discovering typefaces that support multiple scripts, and using InDesign’s multilingual typesetting features.

(Example of a project spread)

(Example of a project spread)

This workshop will mainly cover typesetting, but feel free to use the assets and references on this Notion page to dig deeper into multilingual layout design.

📂 Workshop Assets

Workshop Instructions

Naayi Mari Translation Doc.docx

<aside> ⬇️ InDesign File


👁️ Visual References

Multilingual Graphic Design — Arena Channel

Fonts In Use

⌨️ Typography Resources


  1. Google Fonts — Large open source library with a wide range of languages
  2. Adobe Fonts — Free with Creative Cloud subscription
  3. Velvetyne — Open source fonts with support for Cyrillic languages